Thursday, June 28, 2007


This week-end, June 30 and July 1, will be the great Jazz Festival of Fillmore Street, the biggest street Jazz event on the West Coast. I believe it, being several blocks long and loaded with all kinds of folks who have one thing in common – they love jazz and, wow, is it good.

Vivande will be open for lunch and dinner as usual. Come on over to hear the sweet sound of music and have a meal. Parking is a NIGHTMARE! Do what the smart folks do; find a parking facility nearby and park your car, then 1.) walk – that is best; 2.) take a bus (the City always finds ways to let them through); 3.) take a taxi and get as close as you can. It is fun, worth any effort (not all that much), and have a great time. Remember: there will be over 90,000 people here over the week-end – be a part of it all. Drink responsibly; eat irresponsibly. Check out the Jazz Festival website. It is really good and very informative, and there are some great parking tips.


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